I know that these were added to the custom license plate menu back when the Columbine shootings went down, but what are they really about? Can I get a "Respect Satan" tag approved and nail it to my car? Why not? 87,000 plates have been sold and not a dime has been given to Columbine massacre victims. Most people who buy the plates don't even know that they have anything to do with Columbine. (source)
That's not entirely accurate. $11,000 had been raised, but the foundation that holds these funds had originally agreed not to disburse these funds until the total in holding reached $25,000. As the article clearly states, this provision will likely be done away with. Either way, compared to the amount of money that has been raised and disbursed post-Columbine (in excess of $5 million), we're talking about a trivial amount.
I don't care that pro-lifers have made the plate their own. Nor do I disagree in the least with the slogan "respect life". It would be a better planet if we all heeded these simple words. That pro-lifers have co-opted the slogan doesn't detract from the greater meaning in the least.
Posted by: Zen | June 28, 2006 at 01:07 PM
I think what I wrote is entirely accurate. So far not a dime has been given. I sourced that for clarity.
I also support respecting life, I mean who in their right mind doesn't? To say that is like saying you're anti-child-rape. This strikes me as very possibly motivated by anti-abortion rights activism, which in most cases is just fine. In this case it would be state sponsored though. When a slogan gets embossed onto cars by my government my spidey sense gets set off.
I still am wondering what it's all really about.
Posted by: Non-Prophet | June 28, 2006 at 04:33 PM
I'm happy to report that I couldn't find any customized plates availble for NY with a similarly ambiguous and suggestive nature at NYS DMV. If NY is considered a 'liberal' state, why is it that it doesn't issue plates for gay marriage and such? Because NP is right - a license plate is issued by the state and any emblem on an officially issued document, tag, or plate could easily be interpereted (rightly, I think) as being somehow endorsed by the state.
Posted by: Nate | June 29, 2006 at 05:08 AM
So Colorado has a plate that says "Respect Life". So what? It doesn't say "Ban Abortion". It doesn't say "Worship Jesus". Liberals are as guilty as Conservatives when it comes to reading WAY too much into things... and never letting anything go.
Posted by: Zen | June 29, 2006 at 04:15 PM
It a slogan thing. If a "resoect life" plate means "respect life" then fine. If it means, "My state stands against r-v.-w" then we have a misplaced bumper sticker.
I'm still waiting for my "Celebrate Diversity" plates to arrive in the mail. ;)
Posted by: Non-Prophet | June 29, 2006 at 11:50 PM
Maybe "Celebrate Diversity" will become a slogan plate -- who really ever knows?
I was teaching in Englewood the day Columbine happened, and living in Golden. I worked with people who lived in Littleton, people who had kids in the Littleton public schools. After the fact, I participated in some of the crisis counseling sessions with students from Columbine. Kids who had seen the slaughter first hand. Kids who had watched their friends get blown away. That community of people like you and like me was destroyed by what happened.
That the plate has been co-opted by right-to-lifers might well be true. To each their own. But to many others, it is an important remembrance. And a positive one at that. Maybe the money has been mishandled, and the system deserves a good look. But the money was never really the point anyway. Maybe more people buy the plate today to express their views on abortion than anything else. Maybe one day the plate will be retired. I don't really know.
But I can tell you one thing, my friend...
That plate was created to remember and honor the victims of Columbine, living and dead. It is as simple as that. To attempt to spin this into some kind of political issue of conservatives forcing their agenda on us is a misguided move. Nothing could be further from the truth. That some have chosen to use the plate for different reasons absolutely does not -- and never will -- take away from the original intention of its creators.
Every time I see one of those plates, it reminds me of that terrifically terrible day. And of the depths of depravity to which the human being can be driven to, can sadly sink. Life is a precious and fleeting gift for each living thing, my brother. That we could wake up, and respect life as Jesus, as the Buddha, as the great Zen masters taught is a fantastic vision that we all should work toward.
Where's the politics in that?
Posted by: Zen | June 30, 2006 at 01:39 AM
So I guess because you were involved in helping Columbine victims we're not qualified to question the plates? That massacre happened so now let's all not question anything related, ever? Pa-lease.
Posted by: Non-Prophet | June 30, 2006 at 07:24 AM
Sure, you can question anything you want, NP... but you can also be called out on being ridiculous and absurd. I'm with Zen on this one. I don't like the anti-abortionistas either but it's just a friggin' license plate. It has a pretty flower and a couple of nice words on it. Some people read more into it than others. And sometimes you have to let things slide or else you're gonna find yourself on the short track to wing-nuttitude, pal.
Of course you could just be trolling because it is, after all, your blog and you can say whatever you want. Get touchy with your friends! Why not! It's all for entertainment value.
Posted by: meg | June 30, 2006 at 08:22 AM
I think it's a reasonable question. The original meaning and intentions behind the plate have been lost to everyone but Zen. It's an anti-choice plate to everyone else who sees it and buys it, and I think that's good enough reason to discontinue or at least alter the plates.
It a slogan thing. If a "resoect life" plate means "respect life" then fine. If it means, "My state stands against r-v.-w" then we have a misplaced bumper sticker.
Exactly. So what's more important: The original meaning & intentions or the one that the majority of people see?
Posted by: pete | July 01, 2006 at 12:24 PM
This is ridiculous. I don't like the plate even more now that I'm told it is in remembrance of Columbine. It doesn't get that point across *at all*, and for Zen to get all in your face and high and mighty about it is laughable. It doesn't say anything about Columbine, guns, keeping kids interested in non-self-destructive or murderous behavior, and it uses a slogan that is currently used nationwide as an anti-abortion message. After the Towers fell on 9-11, thousands of vehicles here had little emblems saying 'FDNY rescue squad such-and-such we won't forget' or things of that nature, it wasn't an order to others, it was a stated personal commitment. Also, don't tell me to 'Respect Life', what if I don't wanna respect life? I certainly don't respect all life - I'm not a Hindu or a Bhuddist and I just don't feel that way. And even if I did agree with it, I don't think the state should be sponsoring like little slogans commanding me to act or think a certain way - it's rude, and it's not government's job to look after my moral well-being. It's like those little yellow magnets everybody has on the backs of their cars telling people to 'Support our Troops'... What's wrong with saying 'I support our troops'? Or in this case, 'I remember Columbine' or 'Don't sell AK-47s to psychotic teenagers that have a persecution complex'?
Posted by: Nate | July 01, 2006 at 04:18 PM
I don't think the state should be sponsoring like little slogans commanding me to act or think a certain way
I agree, but you'd have to give "Live Free or Die" a pass for its historical significance, or more importantly for its use in the Unix community.
Posted by: pete | July 01, 2006 at 10:16 PM
Alright moonbats, here's something else to get your fur all afluffle...
The state of Colorado just passed a new bill: "SB 100: Creates a new Colorado "Kids First" license plate."
Got that from http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_4003409
Posted by: meg | July 02, 2006 at 01:34 AM
Sure, it might be "just a friggin' license plate" this time, but where do you draw the line? Being opposed to government use of tax dollars to impose personal/religous/political beliefs is not moonbat-wingnuttitude; it's American.
Posted by: pete | July 02, 2006 at 10:43 AM
If you don't like the plate, don't buy one for yourself. I'm not sure I agree with the taxpayer comment either, you have to pay for the damn plates when you register your car, it's not your neighbor down the street footing the bill.
Plus, don't you think there are much bigger things to get upset about and your panties in a wad?
If the pro-lifers want to adopt it as their own, whatever, big fucking deal. If it's not that, it'll be something else. Besides, aren't we the ones inferring that? Does anyone here have proof that the pro-lifers have adopted that plate as their own?
Posted by: wob | July 02, 2006 at 11:33 AM
I draw the line at "things I can exercise control over vs. things that are out of my hands."
Everyone has the right to be annoyed by anything they want. The matter at hand is: are you just gonna whine about it, or do something about it? What are we gonna do about Columbine "Respect Life" license plates? March on Washington? Hunger strike? Or just bitch at each other on a blog and get rude with people we're supposed to be on the same side with? NP and Nate and Pete can think the plates are evil incarnate all they want. It's when they start bitching at their friends for arguing the point that I get my panties wadded. Can't we all just get along?
Posted by: meg | July 02, 2006 at 11:42 AM
you have to pay for the damn plates when you register your car, it's not your neighbor down the street footing the bill.
We're still paying our state officials to go through the process of getting the bills together to approve and provide these plates.
Plus, don't you think there are much bigger things to get upset about and your panties in a wad?
I agree, this is small, but no matter how petty you or I think it is, I still see it as gov't sponsored imposition of religious/political/personal beliefs, and I think that's the big picture you and meg either don't see, don't agree with, or don't care about (at least in this instance).
Us (ex)NY'ers choose to bitch about something you see as trivial, so what? Whine about us whiners over something you thought had little significance to begin with? Maybe you're the ones who should consider "Letting it slide." ;)
Does anyone here have proof that the pro-lifers have adopted that plate as their own?
TFA: “There are a lot of reasons people have that plate that don’t have anything to do with Columbine,” Arno said. For Pauline Jones, the plate conveys her “belief in choosing life over abortion.”
Also, I found Missouri has been trying to pass a bill for "Respect Life" plates for years, and the money goes to an anti-abortion group. I'm not sure if it ever passed.
Google "Respect Life" and you'll find pages upon pages of pro-life crap. This has nothing to do with "liberals being guilty of reading way too much into things." It seems "Respect Life" has been a widely used pro-life slogan long before the Columbine shootings occured.
Posted by: pete | July 02, 2006 at 01:30 PM
Why do you care we're petty fools? Are you thoughtfully trying to save us from own stupidity Meg?
Posted by: Non-Prophet | July 02, 2006 at 03:38 PM
The point is that the state shouldn't be in the business of peddling moral statements, and that's not a petty issue.
Posted by: Nate | July 02, 2006 at 05:47 PM
Those damn government fucks. Forcing their "respect life" mantra on us all. Next thing you know they'll be telling us to "be kind" and "share and share alike".
Posted by: Zen | July 03, 2006 at 12:44 AM
Yeah Zen... let's git our guns and go burn down the Capitol building or uh, something.
Posted by: meg | July 03, 2006 at 09:23 AM
I didn't know that something as vague as "respect life" on a license plate can cause all this turmoil. Anyone can take it's meaning and twist it for their own. Colorado seems to behind some other states in the progress of these plates. Here in Florida where we have the misfortune of having two Bushes telling us what we should do, we have a total of 100 specialty license plates. A little overboard in my opinion but I have come to expect this from my state gov't. Amongst this multitude of plates is the direct to the point "choose life" license plate. And yes the money goes to an anti-abortion charity. It has been in effect since 1999. I think they should at least have them for both sides and have a "pro-choice" one at least.
Posted by: Richard | July 03, 2006 at 10:06 AM
Watch out America: I'm pretty sure the plan is to run Bush's Governor brother in 2008. All they need is a few more rigged no-paper-trail computerized voting machines, a fabricated (or orchestrated) terrorist plot, and a Rovian push poll or two to continue the dynasty.
Posted by: Nate | July 03, 2006 at 10:29 AM
That is a scary thought Nate. You think the idiot in the Whitehouse now is bad. His little brother is just as bad but a little bit smarter. He has said he has no plans to run and honestly I don't think his family name can get him the votes anymore. I was hoping our country would be Bush-free by 2008.
Posted by: Richard | July 03, 2006 at 11:09 AM
Nate thinks I was all high and mighty... Not so. But I like you, Nate. :0) Peace.
I think the great big Rocky Mountain Columbine in the center of the plate says everything about it's connection to Columbine High School. But maybe I'm reading into things? (meg?)
Posted by: Zen | July 04, 2006 at 12:25 AM
Given that the columbine is the CO state flower, I don't think its depiction on a state issued license plate makes an immediately obvious connection to the high school. I'm not suggesting that a more appropriate symbol of this tragic event exists, but rather that its inclusion does not deter from NP's point that "most people who buy the plates don't even know that they have anything to do with Columbine."
Posted by: 4profit | July 04, 2006 at 09:02 AM
Pete wrote:
"We're still paying our state officials to go through the process of getting the bills together to approve and provide these plates. "
And we're paying those same officials for every damn personalized college plate (CU, DU, Regis, probably redrocks too), for greyhound license plates (god knows Matt is one racist bastard against all other dogs), military plates, etc. I bet this is a drop in the bucket. Please let me know the statistical breakdown between all those plates so we can really know how much money or govt is truly wasting, I truly am curious.
And also:
"I agree, this is small, but no matter how petty you or I think it is, I still see it as gov't sponsored imposition of religious/political/personal beliefs, and I think that's the big picture you and meg either don't see, don't agree with, or don't care about (at least in this instance)."
Fuck you, Pete. And I don't mean that jokingly. Sometimes you really go too far in your comments, especially with friends who you truly know and hang out with. I am completely insulted by your statement here that I don't see the big picture (sorry, but your little exception statement of 'at least in this instance' is just a fucking red herring so you could put your little jab in). You know my position on our govt, you know what big picture I strive for, and I'm surprised you'd go this far with us, it doesn't surprise me when you go that far with people you don't know.
Funny, I've never seen so much acrimony between friends in real life in a blog before. Makes me wonder if this is even worth it...probably not.
This is my last post on this thread since I can't see the big picture over a simple state flower with two nice words attached to it that some wingnuts attach some meaning to.
Once again, the people attached the meaning of pro life to this plate, not the govt as Zen has roundly pointed out numerous times.
Posted by: wob | July 04, 2006 at 12:12 PM
The paranoid far-left-winger with the French wife who's preparing to leave the country in a week is telling his progressive-moderate registered-Democrat friends what's really American, and to get a grip and see the big picture. That's awesome.
Been to any "Bush blew up the WTC" public forums lately, Petey? What's the latest crazy talk on who shot JFK? Are the aliens coming to eat our brains soon or have they already infiltrated the House of Representatives?
Posted by: meg | July 04, 2006 at 01:06 PM
Wow. I was really bored when I thought up this post and never imagined it would get this kind of mileage. I believe in spirited debate, and that nothing is less fun to read than a love-fest, but I hate to think that the spirit is leaving the forum and becoming material. Maybe we could all add some more smileys or something. I know (from Meg's reaction) that I should have thought enough to put one on my original poke at Zen.
Posted by: Non-Prophet | July 04, 2006 at 08:47 PM
Yeah, the root of the argument is a lack of winky-face emoticons. (the previous statement is intended to convey sarcasm, for those like me who cannot always naturally infer sarcasm without winky-face emoticons).
Maybe I'm just too short-sighted to understand why people who call themselves friends would want to argue with each other over the internet over something this small, to the point of actually hurting each other's feelings and possibly messing up their friendships. I've just never understood the mindset of "arguing/fighting is fun." Maybe I'm just too sensitive and shouldn't have even reacted the first time to NP's "original poke". My bad. I always do this though.
However, what's done is done and it's obvious that not everyone thinks first about how others might react to or feel about something said on a blog. When they're random strangers or obvious trolls, it's one thing but when they're friends, it's something entirely different.
Oh and I guess we can rack up the lack of smileys to the same carelessness in the expression of thoughts in text form that is displayed when people don't take a moment to proofread.
Posted by: meg | July 04, 2006 at 10:40 PM
Chalk up. I can't even use the right word while I'm sitting way up here on my Grammar Queen throne.
And yes, Pete did throw one winky-face in when he told me I should be the one letting it slide. If he really feels that way, then he should pack up his teepee and go back to Nyack.
Posted by: meg | July 04, 2006 at 10:50 PM
"Respect Life" are just two little words?? Actually, it's an idea and ideas sprout and grow like seeds into plants. Are racial slurs "just words"? I think those on the receiving end of them would disagree. They reinforce views that lead to oppression.
The original intent of the swastic mudra represents life, but the Nazis subverted that. The popular meaning is now established, ergo, displaying that symbol on your car, for example, is unacceptable *despite* its original meaning. Most people here will interpret it as such.
Besides, like having a license plate on your car is going to prevent some lunatic from going ballistic at a high school. Right.
The approval of this was irresponsible at best and premeditated at worst.
Posted by: me.yahoo.com/a/I77dOuluqPtgyBfThJxXQcJ_kN1gycv2 | October 23, 2010 at 10:05 AM
I have one of the Respect Life plates, which I bought because I wanted to support those affected by violence. I was and am still living in CO and it was a very sad day. In my mind the message is like any bumper sticker, people read it, some give it more thought, some don't.
I hadn't heard about the pro-life thing, but I must say the license plate has the image of a columbine flower in the center of the plate. It is the state flower of Colorado as well as growing like a weed all over the place (including my yard). I think the plate is pretty and nicer to look at then the standard CO plate. I hope the money raised went where it was intended.
The plate I'm going to get today for another vehicle will say "Donate Life". Again, hopefully some will read that and give it more thought. My reason for this plate is because my sister and mother both donated organs and tissue and my brother and other sister needed organs but never got them. A cousin's life was saved by a kidney and pancreas transplant from a relative who was beaten and left for dead. Again any extra funds would help this group.
It's just a simple message people, no need to jump all over each other. If you don't like the plates, ignore them. If it makes even one person think, then I say it is good.
Posted by: Jennifer Colvin | July 15, 2011 at 01:07 PM